Oracle GoldenGate Interview Questions.

GoldenGate Interview Questions.   What type of Topology does Goldengate support? GoldenGate supports the following topologies. More details can be found here. Unidirectional Bidirectional Peer-to-peer Broadcast Consolidation Cascading What are

Difference between Oracle and SQL server in GG setup

Difference between Oracle and SQL server in GoldenGate setup. GG Setup on Oracle S/No Task/Feature Oracle Comments 1 Connectivity GGSCI> dblogin userid gger password userpw 2 Determine if change data

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Concepts.   What is Data? • Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or just descriptions of things. • Raw

Operators in Oracle SQL*Plus with Examples

Operators in Oracle SQL*Plus with Examples. The following are the operators supported by SQL*Plus: ◆ Arithmetic operators ◆ Comparison operators ◆ Logical operators ◆ Set operators Let us discuss them

Differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL

Comparision between Oracle and PostgreSQL Differences in Naming conventions. S/No Oracle PostgreSQL 1 Table or indexes Relation 2 Row Tuple 3 Column Attribute 4 Data block Page (on the disk)

Oracle Internal Datatypes with Examples

Oracle Internal Datatypes with Examples: In order to create a table we need to specify a datatype for individual columns in the create table command. Oracle supports the following datatypes,

Error while creating Restore Point

Error while creating Restore Point. Error: SQL> create restore point before_patch guarantee flashback database ; create restore point before_patch guarantee flashback database * ERROR at line 1: ORA-38784: Cannot create

Partitioning Table based on Weekly

Partitioning Table based on Weekly. Range Partitions: Creating a table with weekly Partitions CREATE TABLE “STG”.”WPT” ( “END_DATE” DATE, “STATE” VARCHAR2(20), “NBR” VARCHAR2(20) ) TABLESPACE USERS PARTITION BY RANGE (“END_DATE”)