Query Performance issue n solution with profile

Pinning the plan hash value in Oracle Database to resolve performance issue. Overview of the issue Query was running slow in Datawarehouse database .Resolved by creating sqlprofile using coe_xfr_sql_profile.sql script.

Password Function in Oracle PL/SQL 

Password Function in Oracle PL/SQL PL/SQL Function Purpose: To verify the password while  reset the password of the user . Parameters to be passed:  Total 3    1) Username ,


Trigger AFTER STARTUP ON DATABASE. Purpose:To start Pluggable databases while starting container Databases if PDBs are in MOUNT state Trigger name: “SYS”.”OPEN_PDBS” Script name: OPEN_DB.sql Purpose:To start Pluggable databases while

Converting non-container DB to Pluggble database.

Converting non-container Database to Pluggable database. How to convert non-cdb 19c to CDB/PDB 19c database How to Convert Non-CDB to PDB Database on same localhost Existing Instance & DB name:

Report generation with Database user details.

Report generation with Database user details. Requirement: Report should contain below fields, in the last field all privileges and roles are separated by comma(,) S.No USERNAME CREATED_DATE STATUS PRIVILIGES/Roles Requirement