rtld: 0712-001 Symbol CreateIoCompletionPort

rtld: 0712-001 Symbol CreateIoCompletionPort was referenced. Issue: Not able to start the sqlplus on Aix after reboot the server Error: sqlplus “/as sysdba” Could not load program sqlplus: rtld: 0712-001

Restoring a cold backup on different DB location

How to restore Oracle RMAN cold backup on different Database location? Scenario with Networker: Step 1: Shutdown database (test DB for scenario purpose) SQL> shut immediate Database closed. Database dismounted.

Restore and recovering the Oracle database

Restore and recovering the Oracle database. step 1: Start Database in nomount mode: ======================================================================== oracle@oratst0001 ():/u01/app/oracle/product/11204/dbs 0 $ sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Dec 5 08:54:33

To Disable advanced compression on table partitions

How To Disable advanced compression on table partitions? Step 1 : Verify Advanced compression . oraenv ORCLP $sqlplus “/as sysdba” SQL> col table_name form a32 col compress_for form a20 col

pcs-10001: Internal error encountered

pcs-10001: Internal error encountered Error pcs-10001: Internal error encountered: Unable to connect to the database while doing the register-database Overview of the issue Transparent Data Encryption has been configured on

Verify Granted privileges by using as of timestamp

Verify Granted privileges by using as of timestamp Had to verify the granted privileges/permissions in different timings in one of the deployment activities. Below timestamps were from “SET TIME ON”

OCI 2023 AI Foundations Associate (1Z0-1122-23) S2

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 AI Foundations Associate (1Z0-1122-23). Which task is a Generative AI task? Calculating the total word count in an article Detecting credit card fraud Writing a poem

OCI Foundations Associate Dumps 1Z0-1085-23 s7

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Foundations Associate (1Z0-1085-23).   Question: Q1) Which feature is NOT provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Security Zones? A) Automatically enforcing security best practices B) Restricting resource

Data migration from UDB(DB2) to Oracle

Data migration from UDB(DB2) to Oracle Source: DB Vendor: UDBUDB Version:v10.5.0.7UDB Fix Pack:fp7DB Size: 9 GB Target DB Vendor: OracleVersion: , APSHTools/Scripts: SQL Developer & SQL scripts step 1)

Deinstallation of Oracle software

Deinstallation of Oracle software ORCLSRVR:oracle:TEST /u01/app/oracle/product/> cd ../deinstallORCLSRVR:oracle:TEST /u01/app/oracle/product/> ls -ltrtotal 714-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall 243470 Aug 29 2017 bootstrap_files.lstdrwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 6 Aug 29 2017 jlib-rw-r–r– 1