Oracle commands Vs PostgreSQL commands


Oracle commands Vs PostgreSQL commands

Feature/command Oracle Commands PostgreSQL Commands
 Switch connection to a new database SQL>alter session set container=pdb1;  postgres=# \c test1
 List available databases SQL> show pdbs  postgres=# \l
  List available tables SQL>select * from tab;  postgres=# \ dt
 Execute the previous command SQL> /     postgres=# \g
 Turn on\off query execution time SQL> set timing on/off     postgres=# \timing on/off
  Edit statements in editor SQL>ed    postgres=# \e
 Connection Information SQL> show user     postgres=# \conninfo
Spooling SQL> spool output.log  (output.log is a file)

SQL>spool off

postgres#\o output.log

output.log is a filename

To run OS commands (ex: on windows) SQL>!cls postgres#\!cls



See also